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Monday, February 20, 2012

The Best Time of Day To Workout

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For many people, choosing what time of the day to workout isn't an option.  Busy schedules limit us to when we can make some time to get out there and exercise.  Luckily, though, the best times to do some cardio or lift weights seems to be the times that we would chose if given the choice.  Here's a guide as to what times are best for certain workouts.


Doing cardio in the morning is the best option.  Yes, it's hard to get up 45 minutes earlier than you normally would to get in a cardio session before work.  Your bed is warm, the air outside isn't, but think of the benefits to it.  If you wait until the end of the day to do cardio, you're just burning off all of the food you ate already in the day.  It's almost like you're doing cardio to break even if it's later in the day. 

When you sleep at night you burn off a lot of the calories from the day before.  Therefore when you wake up in the morning you have an empty stomach.  Doing cardio first thing in the morning burns straight fat, as oppose to trying to burn through the food to get to the fat. 

Plan: Wake up and grab a protein shake made with water then hit the road.  Run, intervals, bike, whatever.  In order to burn the greatest amount of fat, plan your cardio sessions for first thing in the morning. 

Lifting Weights

Lifting weights works the exact opposite of cardio.  When you wake up in the morning, your muscles are tight and weak from not being used all night.  It actually takes hours to get your muscles to full strength and to higher your body temperature.  Walking around and moving your muscles all day loosens them up.  Your body is best suited to work out during the 3 pm - 5 pm window.  This afternoon period will give your body its best chance for a great workout!

Plan: When you come home from work, don't even sit down to get yourself tired.  Walk in the door, change, grab a protein shake and then be on your way to the gym.  Sometimes it's easy to sit down and get tired so you say, "I'll just go tomorrow".  Don't give yourself that option.  Get in and get out!

Use these tips to get the most out of any workout!

Until tomorrow, spend Everyday Living Fit!

Image Source: http://www.fitsugar.com

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